Meleg arany fedél bronz liner bontásban Pihenés prioritása Eyeshadow Javaslatok

Új könyv elindítása ma!
Heya! Örülök péntek. Hogy telik a napod?

Mine has been quite great so far. Today I have the day off, my very first in ages, as well as I have a few hours to myself while Connor is in school, as well as I practically don’t understand what do. I’ve been working on the weekends for the past few weeks, as well as while I typically don’t mind keeping busy, I’ve chose that this is the year I’m going to completely accept rest, so today I’m going to do my finest to just relax.


All I’m enabled to do are things that assist refill the well, so to speak, both psychologically as well as physically. great luck to me, LOL! There’s always something to do around here, as well as I’m already ticking off all the things I might achieve with the additional time, like cleaning the bathroom, doing laundry, going grocery shopping, prepping meals for the weekend, getting ahead on composing for work, etc. etc. BUT, NOPE. Nem fogod csinálni. rest is the concern today.

I’m going to curb the requirement to be productive as well as just do fun things for me today. I’m going to view a period piece (I’m believing “Remains of the Day” or “The Age of Innocence”), purchase a Blue Barn salad, begin a new book as well as perhaps paint my nails if I’m feeling ambitious. Oh, I’m going to drink decaf Nespressos all the time long, hahaha. Lehet, hogy akár napozhatok, Gasp!

Ate my preferred salad in the world, the Tostada salad with grilled shrimp as well as avocado from Blue Barn Marin

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Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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Are you great about being proactive about your periods of rest? Annyira nem vagyok. I’m trying to get much better about it, though.

Anywho, so this note is marginally associated to makeup, Kathleen stated this in the comments last Friday on the two-toned liner makeup post:

Taníts meg nekem az utat! I can deal with the great liner situation. however can you walk me with the eyeshadow, please? Is the Honey Lust on the lid as well as the Woodwinked on the inner corner? as well as Saddle beneath both as a base? Soha nem viselek árnyékot, így nagyra értékelem javaslatait – köszönöm!

Hey, Kathleen! say thanks to you for your question. Here’s a breakdown of where I put each shadow on my lid; remélem ez segít.

Some general tips:

Practice, practice, practice. With eyeshadow, I believe it’s always a great concept to just keep practicing. location your shadows on your lids, blend as much as you can (use a light touch), as well as repeat up until you get the hang of it. ultimately you’ll figure out what placement works finest for your eye shape.

Ne komplikáld túl. I would keep it fairly simple. Do one, two shades at the most. Oh, as well as simplify by skipping the primer if you want (or don’t). I typically opt out as well as just do shadow, no primer.

Smooth it out. That said, if you’re having difficulty smoothing out your gradients, try dusting a light layer of powder on top of your lids first. as well as just keep practicing!

Alright, I’m off to go as well as do absolutely nothing.


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