Smink és Charm Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 715

It’s going to be a delightful day!

Szóval … mi a hétfői szavazás?

Kiváló kérdés! Ez nem, szemben a nevével, egy tényleges szavazás, mint a kis kattintás gombokkal. Ez csak egy soros többé-kevésbé véletlenszerű kérdések listája, amelyeket hétfőn reggel küldtem ezen a blogon az elmúlt évadban (2007 óta).

1. Tulips, roses or daisies?

I love them all, but today I’ll opt for pink roses.

2. What’s the most challenging thing about eyeliner for you?

There are so numerous things, OMG. By far the most challenging, though, is getting the lines to look even. My best eye is slightly bigger and much more hooded than my left, so I have to adjust how high up I take the liner and how far out. If I don’t account for the difference, my eyes appear asymmetrical.


3. Besides a good color match, what do you look for in a concealer?

I’m so picky about concealer, especially in the under-eye area. My top thing is that it cannot work out into my fine lines. DEHOGY! Nem köszönöm.

4. Cake today?

Cake every day!

5. Boots or sneakers?

Sneakers, 100%. I never know when I need to chase after a child, and sneakers are much much more conducive to impromptu sprints.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

6. have you ever had to break up a cat fight?

Thankfully, no. We’re a one cat family.

7. What’s worse: pants that are too tight or an ill-fitting bra?

Both are terrible and remind me of numerous bad dates in the ’90s. too tight pants would be worse, though. At least you can take off your bra, you know? I mean, you could take off your pants, but then it would be a completely different party…

8. What’s your hairstyle for the day?

Half up, half down with a high pony tied with a scarf.

9. Something you’re looking forward to this week?

I just ran out of my favorite Ilia eyeliner, so I need to make a Sephora stop this week. Fun!

A barátságos környéke Charmfüggő,



P.S. Íme a kérdések a válaszok másolására / beillesztésére egy megjegyzésben. Hamarosan beszéljen ya-val.

1. Tulips, roses or daisies?
2. What’s the most challenging thing about eyeliner for you?
3. Besides a good color match, what do you look for in a concealer?
4. Cake today?
5. Boots or sneakers?
6. have you ever had to break up a cat fight?
7. What’s worse: pants that are too tight or an ill-fitting bra?
8. What’s your hairstyle for the day?
9. Something you’re looking forward to this week?

P.P… pleased Monday to you, friend. I hope that you’re feeling rested and ready for the week. Let’s do our best to lift each other up today, OK? You’re doing great, so hang in there!

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